Monday, July 5, 2010

Celebration Weekend.

This weekend I celebrated 3 wonderful girls turning another year older. I just love birthdays. My lovely friend Tyler turned 16 and threw a wonderful "sweet 16". This girl is so incredible. She has a heart for God that's unstoppable. I promise you she is going to change the world. And she has she a fun loving bubbly personality. It's almost impossible to be unhappy around this child and I'm so blessed to have been able to celebrate with her.

All in all I couldn't have better friends. God has blessed me beyond measure in every area of my life and especially with the people he has placed in my life. They have walked with me through thick and thin, ups and downs, good and bad decisions. Honestly it would be hard to picture my life without them. I don't think I tell them enough how much they mean to me. But I love you guys.

Sunday this weekend was entertained by church in the morning followed by a delicious lunch at my favorite restaurant and a lovely afternoon with friends, festivals and fireworks. Oh does it get much better than this?!

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