Thursday, July 8, 2010


Today I had a really mind opening experience and I thought I would share. Bear with me it's kind of a long story. Unfortunately I had a "falling out", so to say, with a great friend of mine about 2 years ago to the day. At that moment in my life it wasn't a wonderful thing but only later would I realize this was the best thing that could've ever happened to me.

I went through almost a year of spiritual warfare and my walk with the Lord and my love and passion for Christ was greater than ever before. God took everything in my life away from me, to the point I was hopeless and on my knees begging God for help. I knew nothing would ever change if He was not my number one. So now that God was the only thing on my radar, He began placing people in my life that would help me through it all. Those people God blessed me with during this time will always have a special place in my heart and I thank God so much for allowing me to go through what I did, with them. I discovered and learned so much about who God is, His plan for my life and His unconditional love for me. It was the most satisfying feeling. I finally felt loved, a satisfying love, he kind of love we all long for.

But recently I haven’t had the passion for Christ that I had once had. Because of this I backed out of some mission trips I had planned for the summer. I decided that my heart was probably not in the condition it should be to continue. I have just been really confused the last few months knowing that I wanted that relationship with Christ again. I began going through all the motions I thought were needed but that was it, I was just going through the motions. I was saying and doing all the right things but the condition of my heart was not where it needed to be. Although, all along I knew, somehow, God was working in me in ways that continue to amaze me.

A few weeks ago at Jr. /Sr. retreat my teacher taught a lesson that really made me wake up. I had forgotten that God calls us to ask of ANYTHING, absolutely anything and He will give it to us. How foolish was I NOT to ask? I had another moment today; I just kind of saw the light when I heard a song on the radio. It is called "Rediscover You" by Starfield. I wasn't really paying any attention to what was playing, I was too busy watching the road and thinking of all the things I needed to do. That was until I heard the words “help me rediscover you". I instantly stopped thinking of whatever it was and finally, for the first time, heard out loud, what my heart had been saying to me for the last few months. I just didn't know what to do before or how to put it into words or even where to start. Basically, I was a confused mess. Here are the lyrics. I love how songs can express so perfectly the words you can't seem to find. Here is my loss of words. I love how God answers His people. It always blows me away.
Enjoy. :)

Rediscover You by: Starfield-I need to just admit My faith is paper thin.I'm feeling so burned out on religion.I say an empty prayer,I sing a tired song, I need to just admit that the passion's gone and I want to get it back.You told me look for you and I will find.So I'm here like I'm searching for the first time. Revive me, Jesus, Make this cold heart start to move.Help me rediscover You. I want to learn to pray the way that David prayed.I want my soul to burn when I hear Your name, I want to feel like new, I want to hunger for you.Bring me back to life like only You can do cause I don't want to stay the same.You told me look for You and I will find. So I'm here like I'm searching for the first time .Revive me, Jesus make this cold heart start to move.Help me rediscover You.Lord, I want to be Yours today.I want to know the passion of the saints and how they were changed.You told me look for You and I will find.So I'm here like I'm searching for the first time.Revive me, Jesus, make this cold heart start to move. I want to burn for You bring me back to life, Jesus,help me rediscover You.

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